This function selects the columns necessary for the aLFQ R package.

convert4aLFQ(data, annotation = TRUE, check_transitions = TRUE)



A data frame containing the SWATH data in transition-level format


Option to indicate if the data has been annotated, i.e. if the columns Condition, Replicate, Run are present. If option is set to true it will write a new run_id as a string of the combination of these three columns.


Option if number of transitions should be checked. As input only transition-level data should be used and therefore this is checked. However, this makes the function slow and herewith be omitted.


Returns a data frame in the appropriate format for aLFQ.


Peter Blattmann


 data("OpenSWATH_data", package="SWATH2stats")
 data("Study_design", package="SWATH2stats")
 data <- SWATH2stats::sample_annotation(OpenSWATH_data, Study_design, verbose=TRUE)
 data.filtered.decoy <- filter_mscore(data, 0.01)
 raw <- disaggregate(data.filtered.decoy)
 data.aLFQ <- convert4aLFQ(raw)
#> peterb_J131223_043
#> peterb_J131223_054
#> peterb_L150425_003b_SW
#> peterb_L150425_011_SW
#> peterb_L150514_001_SW
#> peterb_L150514_002_SW
#> Dimension difference: 931, 0
#> The library contains 6 transitions per precursor.
#> The data table was transformed into a table containing one row per transition.
#> Checking the integrity of the transitions takes a lot of time. 
#>                 To speed up consider changing the option.