This function plots the coefficient of variation within replicates for a given value. If decoys are present these are removed before plotting.
column.values = "Intensity",
comparison = transition_group_id + Condition ~ BioReplicate,
fun_aggregate = NULL,
label = FALSE,
title = "cv across conditions",
boxplot = TRUE,
Data frame that is produced by the OpenSWATH/pyProphet workflow.
Indicates the columns for which the variation is assessed. This can be the Intensity or Signal, but also the retention time.
The comparison for assessing the variability. Default is to assess the variability per transition_group_id and Condition over the different Replicates. Comparison is performed using the dcast() function of the reshape2 package.
If for the comparison values have to be aggregated one needs to provide the function here.
Option to print value of median cv.
Title of plot. Default: "cv across conditions"
Logical. If boxplot should be plotted. Default: TRUE
further arguments passed to method.
Returns a list with the data and calculated cv and a table that summarizes the mean, median and mode cv per Condition (if Condition is contained in the comparison). In addition it plots in Rconsole a violin plot with the observed coefficient of variations.
data("OpenSWATH_data", package="SWATH2stats")
data("Study_design", package="SWATH2stats")
data <- sample_annotation(OpenSWATH_data, Study_design)
var_summary <- plot_variation(data)