Peptides can match to several proteins. With this function proteotypic peptides, peptides that are only contained in one protein are selected. Additionally the number of proteins are counted and printed.
filter_proteotypic_peptides(data, rm.decoy = TRUE)
A data frame containing SWATH data.
Option to remove the decoys during filtering.
Returns a data frame with only the data supported by proteotypic peptides.
data("OpenSWATH_data", package="SWATH2stats")
data("Study_design", package="SWATH2stats")
data <- sample_annotation(OpenSWATH_data, Study_design)
data.filtered.decoy <- filter_mscore(data, 0.01)
#> Dimension difference: 931, 0
data.all <- filter_proteotypic_peptides(data.filtered.decoy)
#> Number of proteins detected: 11
#> Protein identifiers: Protein6, Protein1, iRT_protein, Protein7, Protein4, Protein8
#> Number of proteins detected that are supported by a proteotypic peptide: 9
#> Number of proteotypic peptides detected: 241